Saturday, March 29, 2008


Thing #20 - Discover YouTube

So OK, I have to say I have watched way more than my fair share of YouTube videos in the years since YouTube has been around. This one cracks me up though. I can see my life flashing before my eyes as it progresses!


There was one video that I remember from a year or two ago that is set to techno-music like Kraftwork or something of that nature that is whiteboard animation. It is trippy and well worth the viewing.


So I have also played with GoogleVideo at school since it is NOT blocked at our school site. It helped me show the kids a segment of "A Trip to the Moon" when I was talking about The Invention of Hugo Cabret after it won the Caldecott Award earlier this year. I shared the information about GoogleVideo with a 4th grade teacher who was frustrated she couldn't find the "I Have A Dream" Speech anywhere to show her students (with YouTube being blocked).

I like the idea of embedding videos on a blog posting, or even on a website. My son has had fun posting videos of himself and his friends. You do have to be careful though that those whose videos are posted, have consented to the posting.

I watched the March of the Librarians when it was first posted and got a total kick out of it.

My kids show me some pretty funny things on YouTube that wouldn't be appropriate for the blog. I'm a big fan!

1 comment:

Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

I hadn't seen "whiteboard animation" -- how mezmerizing and fun! Thanks.