Friday, March 28, 2008


Thing #18 - Take a look at online productivity tools

I guess I did thing #18 and #19 in reverse - oh well!

This is a post that I created in Zoho and published from Zoho into Blogger. Easy enough!

Well, I'm down to the wire in finishing up my WinterFun2.0 blog.  It's been fun learning about all the various Web 2.0 tools available for free!  There's lots of great ideas out there as well.  This is all so easy as well.  I've had some experience in playing with Google docs with some of my colleagues as we've played around with an agenda before a meeting.  In a time when so often those whom we need to meet with require travel time to get together, working in an online word processing capacity can make things happen quickly, whether people are working on a document at the same time, or on their own time. 

It will be fun to see how this type of document can be imported directly into a blog.  We'll see how well the formatting holds up when exporting a document to a blog.  Anyway, it seems like Zoho Writer has some great possibilities, although, I have to admit, it's not on my top 10 list.

1 comment:

Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Speaking of importing directly into a blog, did you know you can send a text message or photo to your blog from your cell phone? I've been playing around with that feature -- see the bookshelf cat that I sent to my advocate4libraries blog at

Practice mobile blogging so you can blog from CSLA conference or other fun places.