Monday, March 31, 2008


Thing #23 - Copyright, Creative Commons and Congratulations

OK, so for this discovery exercise, I'm going to need a hint. Maybe it's obvious, but I'm not quite sure what is being asked about finding the example or attribution about the program being altered. Anyway, I totally get it about attributing credit for work cited, used or otherwise referenced. I actually spends lots and lots of time making sure any idea, wording or information I reference is properly cited through my SJSU classes.

I also sat through the Disney video about copyright which was fun for a a minute or two, but hard to watch in its entirety - so that's got to count for something!

I did enjoy working on the 23 things, and have definitely taken away some useful tools that I can use in my personal, academic and professional life. The importance of continuing to learn and apply the things I learn to what I do is critical. Keeping up with technology only serves the purpose of working in the field of libraries and information.

One of my favorites is the delicious bookmarking site. I even journaled about my LIBR202 tags that gave my professor good laugh (that LIBR202 is a delicious tag!) and me full points on my journal. I also really liked learning about the free audio books. If I start going back over all the things I take away from this, it's hard to pick a top 5 or even 10 list. I guess I can say that I take away a renewed sense of continuing to learn be it on my own, through school or through programs like this one.

I look forward to SchoolLibraryLearning3.0!


Thing #22 - Explore eBooks and Audio eBooks

Well this was an eye opener. I did not know how much was available for free online as far as eBooks go. There were some really interesting links to podcasts that were more appeal ling than the ones I found in the previous discovery exercise on podcasts - I can see how it all comes together!

I can see putting a link to say Peter Pan or The Wizard of Oz on my libraries website, especially in conjunction with a "Spotlight on the Classics" link I have on the site that gets changed every month or so.

I also explored some school catalogs who had their catalogs available on the web, and several I checked out do have Audio Books. I know for my own children, we have checked out audio books from the public library occasionally to listen to a book. The most recent time comes to mind when my 9 year old desperately wanted to read the Percy Jackson and the Olympian series but it was a bit over his reading level. Well, come to find out its out there in audio book form and our public library had a copy of each book in the series. My son became an expert in utilizing his library and reference librarian who helped him put his audiobooks on hold. Pretty great.

In the previous library I worked at, we did have a good collection of audio books that did get checked out. I can see the appeal for a car ride and ELL and special ed students.

I have been watching the introduction of Playalongs this past year with interest. I'm hoping the price comes down a little. They seem like a good thing and I would like to buy a few for next year to try out (if we get any money to buy books with due to the budget crisis). We'll see! Maybe I can stir up some interest with eBook links on my website and get some funding from Parent's Club.

Also, I like the Library 2.0 team's suggestion from my last posting about having the kids come in to make a podcast say a couple of times of month. It would be great exposure for the library. This is definitely something I can work on logistically during the last couple of weeks before I leave for summer break and inventory is done!

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Thing #21 - Podcasts

I was looking forward to this part of the 23 Things as I have only listened to podcasts as they pertain to my favorite shows on NPR and my iPod. I had no idea how to access all that there is out there.

Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places, but when I looked for library related podcasts, I found them, but they weren't current, that is the most current one was 2 years old. I did subscribe to one, but I'm not sure if I'll get an alert to a new podcast since the most recent podcast was from 2006.

I think with podcasts, it seems that they would be something that would be fun to make, but I think they require time, planning, and more than just a half an hour a week to produce. In order for something like this to be worth listening to, one has to put in the time to make it good. I'm not sure many of us have this time. Perhaps that's why anything that looked interesting to me on the podcast directories were out of date. For me, listening to a program that is already produced with decent funding like This American Life or Fresh Air is what I'll continue to use podcasts for. I don't see myself using them for much else. The amount of effort required to find something interesting doesn't seem to give the payoff I'm looking for. As far as making one, the time issue is definately a factor.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Thing #20 - Discover YouTube

So OK, I have to say I have watched way more than my fair share of YouTube videos in the years since YouTube has been around. This one cracks me up though. I can see my life flashing before my eyes as it progresses!


There was one video that I remember from a year or two ago that is set to techno-music like Kraftwork or something of that nature that is whiteboard animation. It is trippy and well worth the viewing.


So I have also played with GoogleVideo at school since it is NOT blocked at our school site. It helped me show the kids a segment of "A Trip to the Moon" when I was talking about The Invention of Hugo Cabret after it won the Caldecott Award earlier this year. I shared the information about GoogleVideo with a 4th grade teacher who was frustrated she couldn't find the "I Have A Dream" Speech anywhere to show her students (with YouTube being blocked).

I like the idea of embedding videos on a blog posting, or even on a website. My son has had fun posting videos of himself and his friends. You do have to be careful though that those whose videos are posted, have consented to the posting.

I watched the March of the Librarians when it was first posted and got a total kick out of it.

My kids show me some pretty funny things on YouTube that wouldn't be appropriate for the blog. I'm a big fan!

Friday, March 28, 2008


Thing #18 - Take a look at online productivity tools

I guess I did thing #18 and #19 in reverse - oh well!

This is a post that I created in Zoho and published from Zoho into Blogger. Easy enough!

Well, I'm down to the wire in finishing up my WinterFun2.0 blog.  It's been fun learning about all the various Web 2.0 tools available for free!  There's lots of great ideas out there as well.  This is all so easy as well.  I've had some experience in playing with Google docs with some of my colleagues as we've played around with an agenda before a meeting.  In a time when so often those whom we need to meet with require travel time to get together, working in an online word processing capacity can make things happen quickly, whether people are working on a document at the same time, or on their own time. 

It will be fun to see how this type of document can be imported directly into a blog.  We'll see how well the formatting holds up when exporting a document to a blog.  Anyway, it seems like Zoho Writer has some great possibilities, although, I have to admit, it's not on my top 10 list.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Thing #19 - Check out LibraryThing

It was a lot of fun learning about LibraryThing. I'm not sure if I'll have time to catalog all my own books, but I like the idea about finding out how others have reviewed books I like, and to see what other books people with similar tastes to mine are reading.

I also liked seeing the tagging element of LibraryThing and the tag cloud that certain tag words create. Users can tag their books in whatever way makes sense to them. In this way, we again see how tagging creates a great way for personal classification and organization. It's data organization in the hands of the user. Quite powerful.

LibraryThing provides services for both personal and professionals needs. The ability of the site to organize and categorize books based on user likes has unlimited applications. Members can organize their own collections, seek recommendations for similar books to the one they like and join anyone of a number of social groups and discussion boards. The user also has the option of creating a profile to share with others in the LibraryThing community. The ease of use and accessibility of the data makes it a site that will continue to grow and chance with the needs of the community who uses it.

So I added a widget to enable you to search my library. You can find it to the right of the postings on this blog. Since I only have 6 books in my library, you probably won't get much information, but I love putting widgets on my blog - what can I say!

Here's the link to my catalog, as with many things in my life - a works in progress!
My Library Thing Catalog

Week Seven - WIKIS

Thing #17 - Add an entry to the sandbox wiki

OK, so I found the sandbox and added my entry. Easy as pie! And I realized as I did this that the best way to engage teachers into the fun of wikis, is to invite them to play in a sandbox of their own. This time of year is a stressful time for teachers as they prepare students for STAR testing and feel the pressure of finding a way to teach the rest of the standards they have yet to hit while dealing with kids restless for summer and the gearing up for the end of the year activities. So I am definitely thinking about this as a fall activity so as not to overwhelm the teachers and spin my wheels for nothing.

So - I am thinking about the fall and how we can start planning now for making use of the Web 2.0 technologies that are available to us. I think that wikis can be a great way for grade levels to share projects and research.

In looking at the California 2.0 Curriculum Connections I took a look at photos and images. What I saw were some great ideas for fun displays in the library, ideas to share with teachers for annual projects, and ideas for slide shows to make reading lists for reading programs more engaging. Definitely a resource I have bookmarked.
I like the idea of having a stream of ideas that can be added to and modified - always a works in progress!