Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Week Seven - WIKIS

Thing #17 - Add an entry to the sandbox wiki

OK, so I found the sandbox and added my entry. Easy as pie! And I realized as I did this that the best way to engage teachers into the fun of wikis, is to invite them to play in a sandbox of their own. This time of year is a stressful time for teachers as they prepare students for STAR testing and feel the pressure of finding a way to teach the rest of the standards they have yet to hit while dealing with kids restless for summer and the gearing up for the end of the year activities. So I am definitely thinking about this as a fall activity so as not to overwhelm the teachers and spin my wheels for nothing.

So - I am thinking about the fall and how we can start planning now for making use of the Web 2.0 technologies that are available to us. I think that wikis can be a great way for grade levels to share projects and research.

In looking at the California 2.0 Curriculum Connections I took a look at photos and images. What I saw were some great ideas for fun displays in the library, ideas to share with teachers for annual projects, and ideas for slide shows to make reading lists for reading programs more engaging. Definitely a resource I have bookmarked.
I like the idea of having a stream of ideas that can be added to and modified - always a works in progress!

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